What Is Fungal Acne? The Misunderstood Type of “Acne”

What Is Fungal Acne? The Misunderstood Type of “Acne”

“‘Fungal acne’ is actually not acne at all but rather a type of folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicle) that results when yeast becomes trapped inside of hair follicles, leading to acneiform pustules and nodules,” board-certified dermatologist Rebecca Marcus, M.D., FAAD tells mbg. 

Here’s find out how to spot the distinction: “Pityrosporum folliculitis manifest as small red bumps centered around hair follicles,” Marcus explains. “Unlike typical acne, fungal folliculitis can itch.”

The space may also provide help to decipher if it is zits or folliculitis: “The breakouts are most commonly seen on the chest, back, posterior arms and face,” board-certified dermatologist Lian Mack, M.D., FAAD notes.

If you’ll be able to’t inform (it isn’t all the time simple), go to your dermatologist. “In the setting of an office visit, a board-certified dermatology can also perform a scraping of the skin and look under the microscope which reveals the organism,” Mack says.


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